i walk to the slough. its right next to an industrial area being cleared for something. all the reeds have been pushed over by the wind storm last night. 5 minutes down i see the first blue heron. there are two who live around here. i saw one swallow a snake back in march. i could see it writhing down the heron's throat.

do u ever meet eyes with a wild animal & remember how it sees you.

i dont interact a lot w the feral. i think of myself as a smooth paved surface. rolling around in life getting smoother but also further. whats all this distance from earth. whats it for. i like growing cucumbers in collaboration with the poisoned dirt in my yard. asking it "what do u need" and trying to learn the cucumber's language so i know how to answer. it grows in a spiral to thank me & i give the spiral cucumber as a thank you for a gas mask.